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The Tracy O Show Podcast

Sep 24, 2019

She's fit, she's healthy, she's happy. So why do other people have such a problem with her lifestyle? CrossFit Phenom, Katrina Lynch Allen tells her story.

Sep 17, 2019

An interesting and frank discussion with Mennonite Michele Reinkemeyer. Tracy and Michele discuss not only the Reinkemeyer's Touch of Dutch Country Store but also the differences and similarities in us all.

Sep 10, 2019

Whats your favorite thing about Road Trips? What is something you do on vacation you don't do at home? The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Road Tripping. 

Sep 4, 2019

This episode is all about doing what you love. It features an interview with The Order of the Red Boar, a Live Steel Fighting Group. You'll also get updates on Frank the Fridge and 90 Days for Ava as well as a visit from a local radio host who spins the Big O Wheel and talks about her love of doing absolutely nothing.